Oregon Hang Gliding LiteSpeed Order Form

Contact and Shipping Information:

USHGA member number
Email Address...

Technical Information:

Hook-in Weight...
Hang Rating, special skills and date of awarding of last rating or skill

Order Specifications

  1. See the LiteSport Description
  2. Use the PDF Order Form to choose options on this web form for more rapid processing.
  3. Be sure to order the suggested accessories or special instructions for a complete package.
  4. Print out the PDF form, fill it out, sign the order, and ground mail to: 131 NW 4th St 273, Corvallis, OR 97330

Would like to consider one we have in inventory? Yes No

Custom Litesport Order Form

Litesport 4 Litesport 5
UnderSurface Colors
Panel 3
Panel 4
Panel 5
Standard Logo "Litesport" on right undersurface
Optional Logos
Moyes on left side Moyesbird on Centre-top
Standard Bar Zoom with fastbar Fastbar Zoom with carbon speedbar
Specify your harness type
Chute Mounting
Front mounted chute Side mounted chute
Hang Loop Required
Size of hang loop required (in mm or inches)
Give measurement from base of hang loop to top of basebar(in mm or inches)
Spare Parts
Spare uprights (QTY) Spare Speedbar (QTY) Fiberglass tips (QTY) XC bag (QTY)
LiteSpeed T-Shirt (S,M,L,XL)(QTY) Gloves (S,M,L,XL)(QTY)
Speed Sleeve (S,M,L,XL)(QTY)(Red, Blue) Hook Knife(S,M,L,XL)(QTY)

Print out the pdf form, fill it out and copy for your information, SIGN IT and send it to Oregon Hang Gliding 131 NW 4th St 273, Corvallis, OR 97330

Provide us some more information!

Please indicate any special options or considerations in your order here.

By pressing Submit, you will be in communication with OHGS by email, phone and appointments to facilitate your order. When all your quesions are answered regarding options, shipping times, refund policies, you may place a deposit by check or our convienent online payment and deposit system. (see our refund and business policy)

Send Order
