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Oregon Hang Gliding School - Call 541 913 1339

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One Time Family Hang Gliding Experience - Good for All Ages!

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All hang gliding experiences are an experience and a "lesson". A first experience is as fun as it is educational. So, its an end in itself, ,without any need to go on, but still having been well worth the effort. Most people love the "family" lesson, where everyone, including the kids, participate as a team, in learning the basics of launching and landing a hang glider. Its a blast to feel your bare feet rise off the dune under your own power with the instructor, running along aside you making sure you are safe. So, its a holistic experience with a little bit of entertaining interactive classroom work (that parents love because it generalizes the principles of learning to anything the kids may want to try), a little simulator work and then finally going out to the beach practicing with a real hang glider. Its a very methodical baby step process that everyone enjoys - once your attention has been rewarded by the feeling of floating down the beach or small hill at height of four feet.

The experience usually begins at 10 am in Pacific City, Newport or the Corvallis Airport and runs to around 3:00 pm.

If - and only if - there is enough wind and you weigh under 160 lbs, we can perform a small tandem (only available on the coast). We use the very same glider we assembled for the solo part of the lesson. We just add on extra fee to the solo part because of the extra effort and time. We can now hike to the top of the dune for a little higher flight, with you knowing something so you can actually assist in a much safer tandem flight. So now, you really have a good feeling for what the sport is all about. Its all fun and educational.

Read the reviews here at: Trip Advisor

We highly recommending picking a date and perhaps even better a range of dates so we can choose the best wind, paying for the lesson day via the paypal system, so I can put you on the official google calendar that will remind you and me of our upcoming lesson.

If after the fun introductory lesson you want to become a "rated" pilot, successful training requires approximately 15 lesson days as defined by the Hang II rating set forth by the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association. This works out to approximately 10 flights per lesson day. A lesson is defined by 7-12 flights since repetition is what matters to skill development. At this point, a student is akin to a new driver on a busy highway - - there is basic skill but limited judgment regarding very complex high altitude situations. Thus, lessons 11-14 teaches the strategic and judgment skills required for safe and practical recreational hang gliding. That is the minimum skill for a new pilot to be accepted for continuing mentorship by the community of experienced and avid pilots.

What is Hang Gliding

    Registration for Lesson


    City, State, Zip  

    Lesson Date       

    Technical Information:

    Last exercise/type

    Lesson Choices:
    *Kids Introduction - $90.00
    One Adult Introductory Lesson - $130.00
    Group Lesson (four or more) - $100.00
    One Step Package - 3 Lessons - $390.00
    Camp - $130 per day
    **Entire 4-step Program - $1200.00 - $1700.00
    ***Tandem-Lesson - $130.00 to $150.00
    Parachute Course and Repack - $50.00
    Visiting Pilot Orientation - $100.00

    For gift certificates, include the person's name and contact information here. Also include here any requests for special group lessons or individual special requests or questions.

    *  Children under 12. Five specially supervised and assisted flights.
    ** Depends on equipment purchase plan.
    ***Student weight restricted to 160lb or less. Solo lesson prerequisite. Some exceptions apply.

    By pressing submit you are put into contact with the instructor to negotiate scheduling, reservations and payment options.

    See Lesson Policies Here