Beginner Skills (Hang One)
- Glider assembly and preflight
- Ground handling, ability to evaluate wind speed and direction
- Hang check, hook-in check; look, touch and shake method
- Proper launch etiquette, assisted and unassisted
- Keeps eyes on target; pushes with shoulders; transitions to pulling with hang strap; rotates hands
- Relaxed hands and arms, upright body position, effective weight shift corrections
- Ability to recognize trim; recognition and transitions of airspeed changes
- Unassisted launches; 4 flights- 2 consistent airspeed, straight, on-feet landing; 2-varied airspeed
- Moves hands to shoulders (or ears), rounds out, lets to trim, tests for zoom, flares upward to a no step landing.
- Post landing pitch down nose control; unhook; clear for traffic
- FM radio usage *with helmet/radio purchase
- Beginner test material
Novice Skills (Hang Two)
- Successful confident aggressive launches in zero wind, and shallow slopes
- More effective ground handling and equipment storage in higher winds
- Use of knee hanger harness and effective weight shift (no cross controlling) and landing position
- Slipping turns to 90° azimuth (no greater bearing)
- No-wind on-feet landings, 45° cross-wind landings,
- Target landing techniques, 3 spot landings
- Verbal analysis of site, conditions, launch and landing technique
- Transitions from upright to prone and back without A of A changes.
- 30° crosswind launches
- Prone flying, parachute packing and usage clinic *with harness purchase
- Novice written test material
High Alitude Skills Part One
- Predicting weather and risk management clinic *with glider purchase
- Developing flight plans
- Analyzing specific mountain and tow launch conditions*
- Linked 180 turns
- Landing set-up and positioning (judging landing zones)
- Downwind, base and final and S approaches
- Flare/touchdown
High Altitude Skills Part Two
- Using your variometer as a flying coach clinic *with variometer purchase
- Linked 360 turns
- Very fast flight, recognition of PIOs and recovery
- Very slow flight, recognition of mushiness and recovery
- Stalls and recovery
- Crosswind flying
- Traffic Rules
- Soaring passes
- Gradients and ample flying speeds
- Spot landing