Want to sell your glider as soon as possible? Post your information here. Read the cosignment agreement and send your photo and information about your glider to john@oregonhanggliding.com

Include model, size, colors, accessories, manuals and batten chart availability, incident/accident history, sun exposure time.

 Wills Wing
Wills Wing Falcon 3. 2006 F3-195 5 hours logged flying time, sail still crisp. Complete log of flights and UV time. Fluorescent Yellow leading edge, rest is white. Little wheels on the base tube. Spare down tubes but never whacked or bent. Owners manual.
More Information Price: $2600.00 OBOOrder Button
Airborne Climax 2. Full mylar, cam vg system, approx. 100 hours in good shape. $2600
More Information Price: $2600.00 OBOOrder Button